street rat - narcotics dealer - thief
RACE: miqo'te; seeker of the sun
AGE: 21
NAMEDAY: 32nd sun, 5th umbral moon
GENDER: trans male
HEIGHT: 5 fulms, 4 ilms; 106 lbs
OCCUPATION: narcotics dealer/smuggler, thief
AFFILIATIONS: black dahlia
ZODIAC: scorpio
ALIGNMENT: neutral evil
MBTI: esfp-t
ENNEAGRAM: type 8w7
TEMPERAMENT: sanguine / choleric

POSITIVE confident, quick problem solver, street smart, good with guns, resourceful, light on his feet, stealthy, good at ranged combat, heightened sense of smell + hearing, enhanced sight (limited)
NEGATIVE: egotistical, snarky, mouths off easily, greedy, immature, stubborn, confrontational, highly emotional, easily side tracked, grudge holder, tends to play mind games with people, will use others for personal gain, success leech, unpredictable, bad at close ranged combat, quickly losing sight due to aether poisoning in eyes

V'ahlis has several facial + body piercings including stretched ear piercings
Also has several facial tattoos
He has no clue what personal space is mostly due to the fact that he can't see a lot from far away
He's losing sight due to channeling aether into his eyes while on buisness to get (near) perfect shots+spot danger
In relation to his poor (but not awful. yet.) sight, V'ahlis relies on smell+hearing in most situations
Problems with heavy substance abuse; both drugs and alcohol
Deep scar on his right eye, older+faded scars on his wrists
Trans male but he has not had top surgery yet, he wears a binder
He isn't the brightest most times

32ND SUN OF THE 5TH UMBRAL MOON — It is the height of the Vulture tribe’s influence of the underground. Feeding off the scraps of other’s success and the Maelstrom’s failures, they control the spread of narcotics from deep within La Noscea, having connections with sister thief tribes as far as Ala Mhigo. At the peak, a runt is born into the kettle.
Originally from the Vulture tribe, V’ahlis is no stranger to the ways of the underworld. During his time in the tribe he survived off of mere scraps, stealing what he had to in order to survive. Having left shortly before his 16th birthday, it wasn’t long until he found himself work after attempting to hustle stolen goods at a rather seedy party. A strangely alluring Helion, donning clothes from a region V’ahlis has never seen before takes to the vulture’s attitude surprisingly quick. Finding his quick wit and confidence promising, the dark figure decides to take him under his wing — introducing the runt to the inner rings of the underground itself.

With Kazimir’s influence and connections, V’ahlis has worked his way around parts of the underground even the best in his tribe have never reached. The young vulture dines on the carcasses of success from the figure who brought him here and indulges in a life a normal vulture would only dream of living. He will do anything to further the success of the king pin above him so that one day, all the scraps of victory he’s collected will build his own success. Until then, while under the Black Dahlia he steals what he must and deals what he must, no matter the cost.
But nothing’s wrong with having a little fun in the meantime, right?

PARTY BOY: The young vulture can be spotted frequenting many parties in both Limsa and Ul'dah either indulging himself while on business or making a fool of himself. V'ahlis is often on the hunt for more parties to spice up his night.
>Indulge him?
ODD CATNAPS: V'ahlis can be found in various locations around La Noscea simply lounging. He's most frequently seen sleeping about in the docks of Limsa Lominsa.
>Give him a wake up call?
NARCOTICS DEALER: A well known drug dealer in the underworld of Limsa, he's always on the look out for new clients. If you want it, he can surely supply it — for a cost.
>Chase the vulture?
LOCKED ROUTE: Perhaps there's something else you know about the vulture?


The god shit kind of freaks you out. You try to stay out of his way but you do very much enjoy finding out what makes the usually stoic Xaela tick.
???. Business associate. Religious freak.

He's your boss. Kaz is the only one you're truly loyal to, you owe it to him. His success feeds your hunger for years to come.
Boss. Hard ass. Old Man.

Maybe you're loyal to this one too. You're not sure and don't want to think about it. You trust him and he trusts you. Definitely always up to something when you're together. You spare him from the mind games, when you can help it.
Partner in crime. Close Friend. With benefits.

The main victim of your mind games. You keep a tight leash on your mutt to keep him coming back. He's better then any drug you've tried, but you'd sooner die then admit that.
Addiction. Client. Mutt.

You've heard that at one point V'rohna was wild, a force among vultures — but all you've ever seen is the empty husk the drugs left behind. You try not to think about her often, you know she's not capable of thinking about you.

You try and think if you've ever heard anything good about your father. You can't. But for some reason the vulture women flock to him. You now take what does and do it better then he could ever dream.
Bastard. Father.
@ me
yo im vash
v'ahlis is trans but hes not your fetish c*ntboy fantasy go find that somewhere else
on that note, transphobes dont waste my time
i like mature/dark themes and wont rp those with minors
i will rp anything but pedophilia
im slow tired and old and usually busy/doing content so i dont do ingame rp only discord (@ 𝖇𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖙#2007)